The Fine Art of Self-Reinvention

The first step to Self-Reinvention is knowing that you can

The question is: Who do You want to be?

You see if we are to live a conscious, empowered and extraordinary life, then one of the first things that we need to clarify is the fact that our personalities are not fixed.

Therefore we have the capacity to re-invent ourselves again and again.

This misguided idea of a "fixed personality" is probably responsible for more lives unlived than pretty much any other belief held in the collective human psyche.

It is both redundant and entirely unnecessary.

Our personality is not fixed, our beliefs are not fixed, our behavior is not fixed

This self-limiting belief shows up in the voice that says: “Oh! I could never do that!, but this is just how I am!, I’m just wired like this!” or any of its other victim based counterparts.

Our words are our declarations

They reveal the state of our inner affairs.

The good news is that everything in this game of life, comes back to patterns, tendencies, and habits, which are all mutable, therefore, nothing is fixed and none of it is written in stone.

The fact remains, that you can change the game, the channel, the script, your story etc, at any time.
In fact, given time, practice and repetition, you can change pretty much any aspect of yourself, your habits, your behaviors, your physiology, your life.

You just need to start, and the best time is always now.

The first step to reinventing yourself is knowing that you can

The second step is to make the effort.

Focus your thoughts, intentions, and actions into the chosen "you" that you want to be, or need to be, right now.

Breathe life into it, just do it, just be it.

Have the courage to take massive and imperfect action, you can adjust, adapt, and re-iterate as you go.

Self-reinvention is an art, it is one of the fundamental creative dynamics of the human experience

"Who do I choose or need to be at this moment or in this circumstance?"


“I am not fixed, I can reinvent myself again and again”

"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago, the next best time is now”


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